
She just wanted to cry,,, ただ、泣きたかっただけ

Yesterday when I picked up Nanoka, teacher told me that she ate pumpkin miso soup with chopsticks by herself and played the slide. 昨日、迎えに行くと、先生が「今日はナノカちゃん、だいぶ慣れたようで、お箸を持って自分でカボチャの味噌汁を飲み、お外ではローラー滑り台を楽しんでましたよ」と言われた。
Nanoka disliked pumpkin and never ate even it was not in shape. I was surprised that she ate it by herself even with chopsticks! She enjoyed new play without me! I was proud of her how tough she was!ナノカはカボチャ嫌いで、形が変わっていても(すりつぶしてあっても)すぐ気づいて、一切口にしない。自分で、箸で食べたなんて!滑り台も自分からチャレンジしたなんて!私のいない所で、がんばってるようだ。頼もしいなあ。
But after reaching home, she threw everything and cried,,,I asked her the reasons, hungry? tired? want to play? breastmilk? but she denied everything and kept crying...what's going on?しかし、家に帰ってしばらくすると、あれも、これもイヤだと泣き出した。おやつ?歌?抱っこ?おっぱいですら、拒否。どうしちゃったのよ〜。
I held her in my arms and remembered the feeling that I felt during the day-I missed Nanoka. Probably at that time, Nanoka missed me and felt sad, but tried to bear and did her best at the school...I said to her, "You did well today. It's OK. Mom will hold you and you can cry as long as you want. " then she kept crying for a while then she became OK.泣いてるナノカを抱っこしていて、ふと、昼間、自分がナノカと離れて寂しかったのを思い出した。その時間帯、ナノカも寂しいのを我慢して、保育園で頑張ってたのかも。泣き続けるナノカを「よく、がんばったね。好きなだけ泣けばいいよ」と言いながら、抱っこしていた。しばらくすると、スッキリしたようで、復活した。
A scientist said that "You don't have to stop baby's crying always. Sometimes babies cried for no reasons-they just wanted to cry. Crying itself get rid of the stress. When you broke up with lover, don't you feel much better after crying? Baby is same." This story helped me when Nanoka was smaller. I did not have to be too serious about her crying.
Recently I can understand reasons of most of Nanoka's crying-sleepy, hungry, cannot wear socks as she wanted, or so,,, but yesterday, I felt she cried for no reasons and just stayed with her until she felt better. Nanoka spent stressful days apart from me and did her best. I have to say thank you to her.


Mom's emotion 保育時間、長くなる

From the morning, I had to run down the hill to the bus stop with huge bag and Nanoka. After taking Nanoka to the school, first bus home is 11am(bus runs one per hour) so I only have 1 hour at home-almost doing nothing but eating lunch and then run to the bus to pick up Nanoka at 1pm.慣らし保育は9:30〜13:00。朝は、ナノカを抱え、坂を駆け下り、預けた後は11時のバスで帰宅(バスの本数が、本当に少ない、、、)家に着くと11時半、12時半には再び、迎えに行くために坂を駆け下り、バスに乗る。
After school, Nanoka wants to have breast milk even at bus. Then we played at the playground since she wants to play with me. We went home with 4pm bus home. We made dinner together(since Nanoka insisted on joining everything I do) and made big mess at the dinner then taking bath, and she finally went to sleep. 迎えに行くと、ナノカは甘えっ子になって帰ってくる。おっぱいをバスでねだり、じゅうぶん外で一緒に遊び、夕方、帰宅。帰宅後も、べったりで、料理も片付けも、なかなかさせてもらえない。食事も大騒ぎで食べて、風呂も入れ、寝かせる。疲れているだろうから、眠られてしまう前に、早め早めに終わらせようと、バタバタなのだ。
After her asleep, I opened her school bag-it was filled with 2sets of changes-so I had to do laundry. I cleaned the table, prepare for tomorrow...restless life until night. I felt that it was busier than the days when we were at home together...眠った後、ナノカの保育園カバンを開けると、汚れ物がわんさと出てくる。保育園に通い始め、洗濯物が倍になった。その後も部屋を片付け、明日の食事の仕込み、保育園の準備、と休む間もない。まだ慣れないので、要領も悪く、手間もかかる。1日の最後には涙が出てくる程、疲れてしまう。保育園に通い始める前の方が、楽だった、、、
Finally her school time became 9:30am -15:30pm from yesterday. After school we went home straight and quickly made dinner together and eat, bath, and sleep,,,I could not believe how short we spent time together.昨日、とうとう、保育園の迎えの時間が、13時から、15時半に延長になった。これで、少し家でゆっくり時間が取れる。ホッとしたのと同時に、「長い、、、大丈夫か?」と心配に。しかし、迎えに行くと、ケロッとしていた。家に帰ってからは、やはりバタバタ、そして、あっという間にあっさり就寝。今まで、1日中一緒だったのと比べると、なんと一緒に過ごす時間の短い事か!
Today, I missed a bus and spent one hour at the coffee by myself. Next to me, a girl and her mother was having snack together with chatting. I missed Nanoka and almost tear...今日は、11時のバスに乗れず、1時間、スタバで時間をつぶす事になった。隣に女の子とお母さんが座ってお茶をしていて、それを見て、急にナノカが恋しくなって、涙が出てきた。
Nanoka stayed at nursery school from 9:30am to 13:00pm for a while. I brought her to the school by bus which was not frequent. From home to bus stop or from school to the bus stop, I had to walk up and down the steep hills. For this schedule, I only stayed at home 1 hour for lunch during Nanoka's school. I was exhausted after the day since I had to do more work than before and nearly crying at the end of the day. Still I wanted to support Nanoka to get used to the school and made soup that Nanoka could eat-she ate well and I asked husband if it was good-he critique that the taste was boring and no punch-maybe it was just his honest opinion to my handmade saltless kids soup, but I could not just let it go since I was only one who was preparing everything for Nanoka's school. Is it only mom's job to make kids to get used to the nursery school since mom is the person who would start job after the break? It could be true that daddy could not do anything since it was day time, but just a little compassion would be helpful.


Reading many times 続:ナノカと絵本

Even mommy was sick, it did not mean that they could have rest. Kids need more attention from moms. Nanoka kept asking me to read books. It was like a devil.体調が悪くなっても、母親は決して休めない。調子が悪そうに見えれば見える程、子供は絡み付いてくる。オニのようだ。
I did not know why, but she brought me longer books to me who was so sick. I asked her to give some rest, but she insisted not to stop. She never had patience to listen until the end and I doubt if she really wanted to read.ナノカも寝込み(たい)私の元に、絵本を持ってきて、読めと強要する。それも、なぜだか、長い本ばかり(構ってもらいたいので?)どの本も、最後まで聞いてられないくせに、、、「ママ、もうムリ。休んでいい?」とふらふらになって、聞いても、「イヤ!」と絶対許してくれない。
As I read through the book, she reacted at the different page from usual. She copied the emotion of the main character. 昔から何度も読んでる絵本を、また久しぶりに読んでみると、今までとは違う所で反応が見られたりする。ぐるんぱが涙が出そうになると「えーん」とマネをして、「ああ、主人公の気持ちがわかるようになったんだなあ」と思ったり、
And she liked different page that she never had interest before and pointed small details-the brush that elephant drew on the plate at the dish factory and said,"pen"with which she drew the pictures - I could see her development through a book by keep reading for a long time with. 今まで、ほとんど興味のなかったページの小さな所に反応したりする。ぐるんぱがお皿作りのさーさんの所で握ってる筆を指して、「ペン」と言っていた。正確には正しくないけど(変な言い回し)、「絵を描く自分の持ち物」=「ペン」と同じものだと理解したようだ。長く、同じ本を読み続けると、子供の成長を定点観測するようで、おもしろいなあ、と思う。

First Calligraphy 書き初め

Last weekend, we were all sick and stuck at home. So we did Kakizome- calligraphy at the beginning of the year to tell this years' goal. This was the first time of Nanoka doing this. Of course it would be tragedy if she hold by herself, so adults helped her.先週末、書き初めをしました。ナノカも初挑戦。
Left is heart, her first calligraphy and right is Nanoka, her name. 最初は「心」次に名前を書いてみました。ほとんど、大人が書いてるのを、握ってるだけ。
I asked her what she wanted to write and left is cat, right is dog-this one I let Nanoka hold the brush and made holes,,,but it looked more free! 何が書きたい?と聞くと、ワンワン、ニャーニャ、と言ったので。ナノカにもう少し任せると、力が入り過ぎて、穴があいてしまいました。でも、勢いはあって、なかなか味わいアリ?
At the end, one paper per each person will be on the wall of the toilet. Nanoka is Daikon radish that her favorite vegetable, mine is creativity, and husband,,,he did not want to show, so if you want to know, please visit our toilet.最後は、お気に入りの一枚を一人ずつ、トイレに貼る事に。ナノカは大根、私は創作、相方は、、、知られたくないそうです。ということで、知りたい方は、うちのトイレを見に来て下さい。


Ideal Adult? 模範な大人?

Nanoka wiped her soles with her washing towel. I never taught her how and it looked so dangerous for small kids to fall, but she already made her mind to do so every time.ナノは、お風呂に入ると、自分のガーゼで、足の裏を拭く。教えた事もないし、転びそうで危ないのだが、本人的には「絶対、する事」と決めているようだ。
It was daddy who wiped soles before leaving bathroom. Nano looked at his doing and found it cool. Now it was her habit, too.これは、旦那がお風呂を出る時に、タオルで足の裏を必ず拭くのを見ていて、「これは、しなきゃ」と決めた事らしい。若干、おっさんっぽい仕草なので、辞めて欲しいが、ナノカはクールだと思ったのだろう。今や、定着してしまっている。
Of course I am main source of her actions. She observed me for whole day and copied what she felt it cool. Yesterday she breastfed stuffed animal in the exact way as I do(opened shirts and put nipples into its mouth) it was cute, but too realisticもちろん、彼女の行動の多くは、私を観察して、「これだ!」と思ったものだ。昨日は、ぬいぐるみに授乳してた、、、(ちゃんと、服をたくしあげて、じぶんのおっぱい、あげてた、、、)かわいかったけど、こんなにリアルにマネするもんだろうか?
Now she started to use the glass fragile cup to drink tea. She should hold it with two hands since her hands are still small and easy to drop it, and I order her to do so and noticed that I am holding my cup with one hand,,,I looked at back myself and improve-to raise the kid is to raise myself, too! 小さな手でコップを持たせるには、必ず両手で持たせなきゃいけないんだけど、ふと気づくと、私の方が片手でコップを持ってたり、、、これじゃ、いけないんだよね。まずは、自分の行動を見直させられる、日々です。


Art at home おうちでお絵描き

Nano prefer notebook rather than just plain piece of paper, so I made her notebook(sorry, she always draw on the face for some reasons,,,)ナノが私のメモ帳などに落書きしたがるので、ナノ用のノートをいつも手作りする(そして、なぜか、必ず,顔に落書きする、、、)
After cutting out the cat shape, there is remain of paper. She liked it and call it "kitty", too. こうして、ネコを切り抜くと、切り抜いた方にも当然、ネコが残る。これを見て、「ニャンニャ!」と喜んでいたので、
When I was sick and we were stuck at home, I recycled this to the print これを型にして、クレヨンで塗り
We had got another cat!ネコがまた、できた!
A little difficult for her to do by herself, but she was happy to get many cats!まだ、自分では塗りつぶす事も難しいので、一人じゃできないけど、ネコが出てきて、喜んでました〜
In Sasebo, Influenza is now on season and the school was closed. I got not Influenza but a bad stomach cold and down for two days. We could not go out, but to give Nanoka some fun inside, we played drawing from the remain paper. I was amazed how kids can play with trashy staff.ちまたでは、インフルエンザが流行り、保育園も休みになってしまった。そこへ、連日の保育園の送り迎えと準備、ナノカの変化への対応、寒さなんかも重なったのか、私の方が胃腸風邪でダウン。元気なナノカと、体調の悪い母親という、最悪の組み合わせで2日間家にいた。外へ出られないので、少し、工夫して遊んでみた。子供と一緒だと、ゴミになるような物の、最後の最後まで、遊び倒せるなあ、と思う。


Pantie Debut パンツデビュー

At Nano's nursery school, babies started to wear panties at very early stage.I was told to prepare 10 panties and 10 trousers for the school from the teacher. I ordered 10 pantie in the internet.ナノカの通っている保育園は、赤ちゃんに早くから、パンツをはかせる方針だ。ナノカも、入所の説明と同時に、「ナノカちゃんは、もうパンツをはかせる時期なので、パンツを10枚、ズボンを10枚、用意して下さい」と言われた。
I did laundry them. Husband said "compared with Nanoka's, Kae-chan's panties looks so big." How rude!そこで、ネットで10枚のパンツを買った。洗濯して干していると、相方がしみじみと眺めて、「やっぱり、ナノカのに比べると、カエちゃんのパンツは大きいよねえ」と言った。失礼な!
She was interested in panties I bought (probably she looked panties of other kids) and tried it on over the trousers-she looked weird. 用意したパンツを見つけると、ナノカは気に入った様子で、さっそくトライオン(ズボンの上から)!ちょっと変態っぽい?
On Monday, she started pantie at the school, but she cried every time wetting and teacher said that it might be too early since she was still nervous at the school. しかし、もともとトイレ問題に繊細なナノカ。パンツを濡らすのは辛いようで、毎回大泣きしたらしく、保育園になれるまでは、しばらく様子を見る事になった。


Blue Sunday Evening サザエさんシンドローム

We did not watch any TV program on Sunday so there was no sign to feel the end of the weekend, but some elements could affect Nanoka,,, 我が家はサザエさんを見てないので(他の番組も見てないので)、それを見て「ああ、明日から1週間が始まる。イヤだなあ」とはならないはずなのだが、何かの雰囲気から、ナノカは察知したのか、
She was so strange that she never let me leave her in the bed. I even had difficult time to go to the toilet. I do not think she knew the meaning of the weekday.日曜日の寝付きは、おそろしく悪く、少しでも私が離れると、飛び起きて泣き、一晩中、おっぱいを飲み続けた。どうしちゃったのよ、、、
On Monday at the school, she was not happy. Teacher told me that she would be more difficult after she got to know the meaning of the school. 保育園でも、始終不安なようで、ご飯もほとんど口にしなかったらしい。「訳がわかってきたようで、これからの方が、ちょっと難しい時期かもしれません」と。
After the school, she never leave me and very sensitive. I was so tired,,,その言葉通り、帰ってきてから、ずーっとくっついて、離れません。なんにもできない、、、
There is the word, "Sazae-san syndrome" that people feel blue to watch TV program called Sazae-san on Sunday evening that remind them the end of the weekend. We did not watch TV on Sunday and there was no specific sign for Nanoka to notice the end of weekend, but she became very sensitive this Sunday evening. She noticed the relationship between weekday and her school already? Anyway, she became very difficult to treat this week and I felt so tired after the day and more tiring than before going to the school. It is still on the way and we need to take time.


snow day ゆきのひ

Friday morning, we found some snow on the top of the building. I put warmer clothes on Nanoka to go to the school wondering if we could reach there.金曜の朝起きると、屋上に雪が積もっていた。バス停まで行けるだろうか?いつもよりナノカに多めに着せて、出発することに。
The stairs down to the bus stop looked frozen. I hesitated to go and think if I should go or not, Nanoka shake her head saying"No!" She dislike unusual snowy sight and scared. 階段の入り口まで来ると、ガッツリ凍っていた。うーん、、、危なそうだなあ。覗き込んで、試してみるか、迷っていると、ナノカが「いや〜」と頭を振った。見た目の雰囲気がいつもと違うのと、寒いので、すっかり怯えたようだ。
We went back home and called to the school for absence. Nanoka looked happy on my knee just laying. I asked her to go out in the afternoon after it got warmer, but she answered, "No" and "At home!" I was thinking she enjoyed the school OK but I noticed that it could be still stressful for her. 仕方なく引き返し、保育園に欠席の電話をすると、家にいるから退屈かと思いきや、ナノカはいつもよりご機嫌。ひざにべったりくっついて、ダラダラ甘えてきた。午後になって、暖かくなってきたので「出かけようっか」と誘っても、「いやあ。おうち」と断る。「ナノカは平気だ。頼もしいなあ。」と思い込んでいたけど、やっぱり、保育園は新しい場所だし、緊張してたんだね。
Anyway in the afternoon, we went out to walk down the stairs to the city. It was still frozen and I had to hold tight with two hands not to slip with Nanoka-it would be so dangerous. I felt I became stronger by the life here.午後、結局、出かけてみたが、それでもまだ、地面が凍っている箇所もあり、手すりに両手でしがみついて、転ばないように降りた。腕で二人の体重を支えたので、かなり疲れた。ここでの生活、結構、鍛えられてます、、、
From Thursday night, it had been snowing and we found the snow cover the rooftop of the building on Friday morning. Nagasaki is located southern of Japan and some people had image that it must be warmer, but actually it got snow every winter because of ocean stream. But still people this area don't prepare for the snow at all and they got trouble when it snowed. Nanoka did not like snow and I showed some snow books-Snow by Burningum was short and good for Nanoka I thought but she had no interest. Snowy Day by Keats must be difficult for her, but actually she asked me to read three time. It was different point of view from adult's that what is difficult and interesting for kids, I realized.


Lunch 給食

Even we are waiting for the result of the blood test, we started Nano's lunch at the school from rice ball and miso soup.アレルギーの検査待ちではあるけれど、ナノカの給食が始まった。とりあえず、安全策として、おにぎりと、味噌汁のみで始めてもらった。
On the first day of the lunch, I read the letter from teacher(we were corresponding the letter book every day) and surprised. She said, "Nano ate the miso soup with spinach carrot cabbage shitake mushroom and onion. She dislike potato? she threw out."その日、連絡帳を見ると、「今日はおにぎりと、味噌汁をはじめました。ほうれん草、ニンジン、タマネギ、キャベツ、しいたけ。ジャガイモは嫌いかな?べーっと出してしまいました」と書いてあり、私は驚いた。
At home, Nanoka ate only few vegetables-Daikon radish,tuneup, onion and some mushrooms...She wanted to be good girl to eat everything at the school...(but still she could not eat potato-she hates potato and pumpkin)ナノカは、なかなかの偏食で、家では、味噌汁の野菜としては、大根とカブ(そして少量のタマネギとしいたけ)しか食べないのだ。多分、いい所が見せたくて、完食したのだろう、、、見栄っ張りめ!
However, on the second day, teacher's letter said, "Nanoka-chan threw out cabbage and carrot. What kinds of food does she eat at home usually?" OK. She could not keep faking...しかし2日め、連絡帳には、「ナノカちゃんは、お味噌汁のキャベツとニンジンをべーっと出してました。ご家庭では、どのような食事を食べてますか?」と書かれていた。2日目にして、地が出たようだ。そうそうずっとごまかせないよねえ。
She starting the school and I found she was a highly proud girl. She was observing quietly what other kids doing at the school since she was new to there and could not do well, but she tried when she came back home-was she practicing secretly? Thanks to the school stimulus, she would expand her abilities.保育園に行き始めて、目につくようになったが、ナノカは結構、負けず嫌いだ。保育園では新参者なのを自覚してか、とかく、おとなしく、黙って友達がやっている事を見ているだけなのだが、家に帰ってから、「箸を使ってみたり」「靴を履いてみたり」と、密かに練習を積んでいる。食に対しては、あまり意欲がないので、「給食、食べるかなあ」と心配していたが、家では食べないものまで、給食では食べたようだ(しかし、本当に嫌いな芋類は、やっぱり食べられなかった) 外的な刺激で、いろいろできる事が増えるかな?


bloof test 採血

We entered the doctor's room and Nanoka found the familiar(and unfavored)atmosphere.診療室に呼ばれて入ると、すぐにナノカはその雰囲気で思い出した。これは、、、
Actually this doctor did nothing. He even didn't touch her at all and he and I talked about her daily diet and allergic reaction. During the meeting, she kept crying hard.口をこじ開けたり、つめたいものを背中に押しつけたり、あげくは注射する所だ!うわーん。実際は、ドクターはナノカには全く触らず、話をしただけだったが、その間、ナノカはずっと泣き続けた。
At the end of session, doctor said that she should take the blood test this time and wait for it at the waiting room. He said bye to Nanoka and she noticed that was over without any uncomfortable treatment. She became happy!「そうですね。その様子だと、卵と大豆にしぼれた感じですね。では、採血です。待合室で待っていて下さい」部屋を出ていく雰囲気を察知したナノカは、「なんにもされずに終わった!」と有頂天。一気に機嫌を直し、鼻歌まじりに待合室で遊びだした。
We were invited to another room and nurses were laying Nanoka at the bed to take the blood. She quietly followed them-she believed the doctor thing was over and trusted these women. I was asked to go out during blood test.その後、違う部屋で、看護婦さんにベッドに寝かされて、採血の準備をされたが、おとなしく指示に従い、身を委ねている。さっきのドクターの時はあんなに手こずったのに!どうやら、ベテラン看護婦さんのやさしい雰囲気に、信頼を寄せてるようだ。
Soon I heard her cry from the room. Nano, do not judge only from your small experiences.母親は外で待つように言われ、外に出ると、中から大きな泣き声が聞こえた。呼ばれて中に入ると、採血を終えたナノカが、ベテラン看護士さんの腕を蹴っていた。ナノちゃん、君のまだまだ浅い経験から、物事を全部判断しちゃダメよ〜。
Nanoka is allergic to some food. At the 10th month, she got strong reaction after eating cheese bread and she got blood test. The result was high in the egg and she was advised to remove egg from her dishes. It is still going on.
In order to go to the nursery school, we have to hand in the medical document to prove her allergy. We went to the general hospital.
Nanoka hates the clinic and doctor as other kids do. She thinks that it was uncomfortable place and bad person who did something uncomfortable for her. So before they do something, she burst to cry. This time, she thought that the doctor had gone and it was over, she was happy-the blood test was unexpected matter for her done by the friendly nurses. Nano, the life is not easy to guess from your short life experiences...



empty nest syndrome 旅立ちの日?

On the third day, Nano cried at my leave as usual. Teacher advised me "Leave quietly" and I felt worried.慣らし保育3日目。いつものように、離れる時は泣いた。週明けで、日が空いたので、大丈夫かと心配だったが、
When I picked her up, she was sitting at the table with other kids. She found me and ran to me happily.迎えに行くと、ケロッとした顔で、みんなとテーブルに座っており、私を見つけると、うれしそうにかけてきた。

She wore different trousers from morning-she played hard and changed. She ate rice ball and soup and got wet her leaves then teacher asked her to change her shirts before leave.よく見ると、朝とは違うズボン。激しく遊んで、泥で汚して、お着替えになったようだ。今日は、おにぎりと味噌汁も食べさせてもらったという。「袖が濡れてるから、帰る前に上を着替えましょう」と先生に声をかけられると、
Nanoka answered "yes!" and turned to grab teacher's hand showing her back to me. I was a little shocked that she already starting independent having own society. 「うん!」と返事をして、私にくるっと背を向けて、先生の手を握った。そして、うちとは違う要領で、先生に着替えさせてもらっていた。たくましい、と同時に、すでに自立の断片が見えて、ちょっと寂しかったりして、、、
The Nursery school that Nanoka goes is Montessori method one. They treated children as a person and support them to be independent to think, learn and decide. It was just third day but Nanoka already got used to the rule there and she acted looking at others doing and follows them. She expand her world and start to make her own world apart from me. To tell the truth, I was sad to see that at the same time I felt so proud of her. As a mother, I had an idea that I always want to be with her to help and protect her. Somebody told me that some mothers became down when kids got older and independent since they put too much energy on them. I now could understand how those mothers feel a little bit. But this is natural thing that kids can make own world and joined their own society and we have to be pleased. I did not expect it came to us this early stage, but maybe it can be always starting.
今まで、一日中、まとわりつかれて、ひいこら言っていた私だが、いざ、ナノカが、私がいるにも関わらず、先生に信頼を置いて、手を握り、指示に従っているのを見た時、「すごい!」と、たくましさに感心したのと同時に、ほのかに寂しい気持ちになった。「ナノちゃん、こうやって自立してくのね、、、」なーんて。ナノカなりに、私のいない所でナノカの社会を持ち始めたのだ。前に、「子供に情熱を注いできた母親が、思春期になり子供が離れて行った時に、やりがいを失って、気力もなくなる事を「空の巣症候群」て言うのよ」と教えてもらった事があるが、ほんの少し、その気持ちを疑似体験したような気がする。 姉に報告すると、「まあ、ナノカには人を信頼する力があった、て言う事で、喜べばいいんだよ」と言われた。私がいつでも、なんでも、関わって、後ろにいて見守っていて、安心させていてあげたい、と思っていたけど、それもいつまでも続けば、母親のエゴになりかねない。いつかはやってくる冒険と自立のはじまりが、たまたま今、彼女にはやってきた、て事なんだろう。